About US

Explore the World with Confidence

AB Tours and Travel is a privately owned company that was started in October 2023 with the sole purpose of enhancing the travel experience within the vast parts of Uganda and filling the increasing gap and needs in the tourism industry in Uganda and the region.

What began as a car hire vehicle service in 2019 for different NGOs to rural parts of the country later developed into a fully licensed tours and travel company. By using the experience, we learnt as a company how to tailor an experience to each customer, from both corporate clients to individuals. Once fully registered and licensed in 2023, AB Tours and Travels began creating packages that would enable tours outside of the capital city to more remote and beautiful parts of the country that are home to national parks and sites of historic and experiential visiting. This is for both locals (Ugandans) and foreign visitors.

This Tour and Travel company will compliment and support the users when accessing its sister company AB Resort in Mbarara City in Western Uganda

AB Tours and Travel